Control your income, and how you spend you money. Know how much you sell, and who are you selling for.
- Control how you spend money
- Save time and money.
- Raise your income
A delivery rout planner that not only trace the path, also improve the efficiency. Deal with your logistic in a very simple way.
- Integrate with ERP, Google Maps,Street View e Via Fácil.
- Raise your productivity
- Increase your efficiency
- Plan your delivery
Portal Holerites
Availability of paychecks on web, emitted by your human resources management system.
- You don't need to print paychecks
- Security and agility in consulting to the workers
- Personalized portal, for a better experience
Portal RH +
Availability of Payslips on your smartphone, know everything you need about your salary.
- All your paychecks in your hands
- Security and agility in consulting
- Practicality and portability
SERASA Experian
integration with SERASA credit management service.
How it work
The selling orders to natural or legal person of your company will be transmitted to SERASA Experian service to credit analysis. As the data return it will be stored in your ERP system, so a financial approval is generated to your selling of product or service.
- Faster response to your credit restriction information
- Credit analysis with greater security
- Detailed and updated data
EDI Automaker
Production planning integration, sell orders generation, Registration and emission of shipment note with automakers.
- Interpretation and reception of provisional programming, Registration, control planning, and report generation.
- Billing with emission of shipment notes to clients
- Story control and backup of archive exchange
- Integration with Ford, Mercedes, Renault, Volkswagen, Iveco, John Deere, GM and Scania.
EDI Steelworks
Steel mills integration, with production *accompaniment* of the production. Approved orders and shipment invoice.
- Auto controlling of buying and receiving steel programming.
- Automatic sheet generation.